Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Wednesday 14th September 2011: Begin Research on Thrillers!

I started of my research today, typing up the questions I would ask about thrillers… and then I done some research and answered them!
Questions and Answers: THRILLERS!
What is a Thriller Film?
A thriller is a genre of film in which suspense; tension and fearful excitement are the main elements.

What are the Codes and conventions of Thrillers?
  • Must give the viewer a sense of tension, suspense makes them feel a sense of discomfort?
  • Loll audience into a false sense of security.
  • Have a person in a life changing situation that seems impossible for them to get out of.
  • Camera angles which make the audince question whether its "What's going to happen?" or "Who's that watching?" 
What are the openings to thrillers like?
Within the first 2 minutes you should create a sense of danger, tension or suspense. By displaying the main elements of a film earlier on gives the audience an idea of the elements that are going to be used throughout the film. In this case it's a thriller film and engrosses them to watch on in anticipaton.

                         What makes Thrillers successful?
Thrillers having a fast paced storyline where a character is placed a menacing situation which seems impossible to get out of.

Are there different types of thriller?

There are different types of Thriller. So depending on what type of thriller your doing the way things are planned, will be different. But the main thing is to keep the audiences' suspense so if you have to put a twist to do that then go ahead! (Shuold be covering this question on Sub-genres in more detail soon...)

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